Special Educational Needs and Disability 

The school has a very well-developed department to support students with Special Educational Needs. The SENCo has a highly experienced team working with students in a variety of settings to ensure the school policy of equal access to the curriculum and learning experiences for all students is applied. Most support work takes place on an 'in class' basis, but there are opportunities for small group and individual work to take place.

Close liaison with feeder primary schools, parents and the Educational Psychologist ensures that the students with Special Educational Needs are quickly identified and appropriate support strategies developed. The provisions of the new Code of Practice are fully integrated into the workings of the school and underpin all that we do.

Some children receive additional funding called ARP (Additionally Resourced Provision).   At Redden Court School these children have support plans specific to their individual needs.  Mrs A Weatherall is the leader in charge of delivering this additionally resourced provision.

Children maximise their learning by making use of a system of support in mainstream lessons and in the nurturing environments within school.  Support is bespoke and tailored to the needs of individual children.

Home to School Travel Assistance for 2023/2024

The application for home to school travel assistance for the 2023/2024 academic year is open.

Students who currently receive Havering travel assistance and have had no significant changes in their circumstances can complete the renewal form.

Significant changes include things such as:

Students who have not applied before and meet the eligibility criteria must apply for travel assistance.

Students who have applied before but have reported changes in their circumstances must also apply for travel assistance.

Travel assistance is reviewed on an annual basis and all applications must be made online via: https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20006/schools_and_education/431/school_support/12


Each application will be assessed and you will be informed of the decision in writing, via email.

We encourage all parents and carers to apply as soon as possible. Applications must be made by Friday 26 May 2023.

If no form is received by this date, the local authority will assume the student no longer requires travel assistance for the next academic year.

Please refer to the Transport page link on the Havering website or the Local Offer – https://familyserviceshub.havering.gov.uk/kb5/havering/directory/advice.page?id=9iMGmVKfR40&localofferchannel=0

Whilst applying for this service, we would like to draw your attention to some key aspects of the Travel Assistance Policy:

Further information

Should you have any queries relating to the travel assistance application/eligibility, or to update your personal information if anything changes, please contact CADTransport@Havering.gov.uk.