Pupil Premium and Disadvantaged Information
Redden court has developed a plan for the spending of Pupil Premium funding following certain principles. These guiding principles have been developed taking account of the school’s vision for learning and the schools aim to narrow the gap between the achievement of disadvantaged students and all other students until such a gap ceases to exist.
Funding therefore has been allocated according to the following principles:
Targeting funding to raise achievement
Ensuring that all students’ performance is rigorously monitored against realistic but challenging targets
Strengthening the link between home and school
Supporting students’ emotional and social development by ensuring there are key adults who know students well and are committed to their success.
An emphasis on supporting students to think and plan for their own future, enabling them to make informed choices about further education and training and to develop their aspirations
An emphasis on providing students with opportunities to broaden their experience of the world, particularly through cultural and creative activities.
Ensuring students are well-supported in potential stressful times e.g. revision and preparing for examinations
A clear focus on building students’ confidence, self esteem and aspirations through opportunities to experience real opportunities for leadership.