Student Leadership
Junior Leadership Team
To help give weight to Student Voice at Redden Court it was necessary to have a structure in place which best resembled the Senior Leadership Team (SLT); therefore the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) was created. This consists of six House Captains and various Committee Leaders. The JLT works closely with the Student Voice Coordinator and hold regular meetings. These meetings aim to look at issues relating to the student body and Redden Court as a whole. In addition to this the JLT arrange fundraisers and charity days which take place across the academic year.
Roles of the Junior Leadership team involve:
Introduction of charity boxes
Organisation of charity events
Involvement in the interview process of new staff members
Meeting and communicating with governors
Offering opinions on teaching and learning strategies
The Food Investigate, Improve, Inform Team (FIIIT)
The Food Investigate, Improve, Inform Team (FIIIT) is a student body with representatives from each year group. They work closely with the canteen staff, Head Teacher and our food provider to ensure students voices are heard and we are following the government's guidelines, The School Food Plan, in order to uphold our Gold Healthy Eating Award status.
The team have achieved many accomplishments since they started including music in the canteen, a nutritional folder for all food sold by the canteen, ongoing reviews and updates of the food offering through to many charity stalls. They are currently working on ideas and sourcing interiors for the additional canopy, fundraising for a new student shelter as well as reviewing the special dietary requirements offering.
Every year during the National Healthy Eating Week they hold an assembly to inform students of the key messages. As it is a student body they are able to talk to peers gathering feedback and passing on the improvements that have been made. They follow our food policy and support the food curriculum studied. Due to their presence we are a leader for new initiatives before other schools in our area.
Anti Bullying
The Anti Bullying Steering Group (ABSG) have been meeting regularly on Fridays giving students the opportunity to come up with ideas and ways of promoting this group within the school.
The group have also been busy working on a new Anti Bullying referral form which will give the students at Redden Court another avenue for reporting bullying.
Members of the group will also carry out form time drop-ins so students are aware of who is part of the group and can recognise those students if they would like to approach them for help and support with any issues.
We will be starting a drop-in at break times in the coming weeks which anyone can access during break times on a Wednesday. This will be promoted by the team during their visits to form groups and posters advertising this.