
About the Department

The Art department is a vibrant and colourful place. We boast modern facilities and professional equipment, particularly specialising in printmaking. We have a gallery space where the Year 11 GCSE cohort exhibit their work each year and a studio space for GCSE students to utilise.

We have two full time Art teachers and classrooms and a range of staff who support and enable a host of practical projects to take place. The curriculum is broad and students have the opportunity to explore a range of art disciplines including painting, printmaking, sculpture, drawing, photography and digital art.

Students will study Art once per week whilst in KS3 and 5 hours per fortnight whilst in their GCSE years.

What will your child learn in year seven?

Year 7 students are introduced to the formal elements in Art and learning at first centres around teaching students to understand the elements and visual language rules. Throughout the Drawing Skills and Techniques project in Term 1, students will learn key skills and become more confident in recording, using key equipment, shading and developing art and design vocabulary. 

Throughout Term 2 students will learn about colour theory and how to apply their learning through a range of painting and colour projects. Key painting skills and techniques are taught and students will have the opportunity to design and paint their own compositions. 

Throughout Term 3 learning is further developed throughout the Impressionism and Colour Project. Students will participate in critical studies lessons, learning about Van Gogh’s methods and how to create the Impressionist style. These lessons will allow students to become more proficient in mark-making, using oil and chalk pastels.

How can learning progress beyond the classroom?

The art department has a popular art club that is usually well attended by year 7 students. Each week students work creatively on a range of projects that have included the Mayor of London’s Fourth Plinth Project and producing artworks for The Poppy Appeal. On the extra-curricular timetable are also printmaking workshops and opportunities to take part in competitions including the 

At the end of each year GCSE Art students host an end of year exhibition showcasing all of their talents and creative efforts.Students have the opportunity to curate and gain experience of putting on an art show in the RCS gallery.

Trips to galleries and exhibitions are frequent and have recently included seeing Picasso’s portraits at The National Portrait Gallery and Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at Tate Britain.

Art Open Evening Subject Presentation